Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Migration - New Zealand

The recent house hunting has become a very frustrating exercise, because the root problem of lack of supply of flats (in the face of strong number of PRs coming in) is not solved despite the many 'measures' by the government. The government seems to be more concerned about people selling their flats and subsequently spending the money, with the end result of many people approaching the government for social assistance. I guess they don't really care about the buyers' pockets; they care about the government's own pocket since social assistance is expensive.

Thus it will not come at a surprise when I said that I have entertained the thought of migrating to another country. It is no joke to watch the many years of hard earned savings being consumed in the form of 'COV' paid to others. Makes me wonder why I still need to pay tax (or housing stamp duty) when the housing authority has obviously 'screwed' up their prediction numbers for the demand of flats (like that they for the cars' COEs).

The New Zealand proposition seems attractive. When there are countries who welcome Singaporeans with open arms (much like what Singapore government is doing), it is no surprise that about 4,500 Singaporeans have expressed their interest over a few months period. I do not deny that New Zealand seems attractive as a place to have a family and a better life. A good friend of mine (Malaysian actually) who is settling down in Norway, has reflected that he is enjoying a very good quality of life with his family in Norway. He is a talent with a PhD, but left Singapore when our university didn't know how to treasure him. At least two other friends are now in Hong Kong, having a good satisfactory life in the other little island.

If such a trend continue, one day there will be no more 'Singaporeans' left in the country. I guess that is sad. I guess with the influx of foreigners coming to this little island, the Singapore economy will not suffer. Actually the economy may benefit since foreign workers typically work harder when their end goal of the few years stay in Singapore is to earn money.

Just makes me wonder what makes up a country? Yes I still think Singapore is a country, despite some higher ups who think it is a city. A country is first and foremost its people with roots, and not the economy, nor the ruling party. So when a country is made up of people with no roots, I think the country is perching on precarious grounds. Any shake and the economy (and ruling party) will be gone.

At the rate of increasing cost of living and decreasing standard of living, I think Singapore may one day head down that path. I guess some people don't understand that the 'Best place for expat' living does not equate to 'Best place for raising family and sinking roots'.

Sad indeed.

Maybe I should go to New Zealand for a holiday.

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