Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ever heard of divorced Barbie?

Saw this in an article and thought it quite funny... no offence to anyone...

A man shops for a Barbie doll for his daughter's birthday. There is Barbie goes to the beach, Barbie goes to the opera, Barbie goes on vacation, each for 19.95 euros. On the shelf next to them is Divorced Barbie, selling for 395 euros.

'Why is the price so high?' the man asks.

The salesman says: 'Divorced Barbie comes with Ken's house, Ken's boat, Ken's car and Ken's motorcycle.'

In this season of festivities...the usual questions of 'When are you going to get a gf?' kept coming up. Though sometimes I wonder if it is truly worth it to go 'get a gf'? Dunno... as a kid, the idea of a gf is romantic (which means unrealistic)... as adult the idea of a gf is pragmatic (which means less romantic)... oh well.... i go play game, i still want to keep a romantic notion of having gf... without the pragmatic problems that come along haa... un realistic, sure...but isn't that what love is all about?

Later go chiong yeah!

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