Monday, September 15, 2008

Lights, Lanterns, & Mid-Autumn Fest @ Chinatown - Part 1

Tonight is the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar month! This day is often celebrated as the Mid-Autumn festival, with eating of mooncakes, and display of nice lanterns. We were at the Chinatown to look at nice lanterns / lights display sometime back, and took these pictures. This event was also featured as a tourist attraction, lolz.

There are also many shops selling both the battery operated as well as candles lanterns. The whole area looks like a lantern district! We used to have much fun as kids carrying these lanterns around the neighbourhood. Since we were using the paper / candles version back then, it was a common thing to see the lanterns burning to become a small fireballs mid-way through our walk.

Accompanying these stalls are others selling souvenirs (very cheap!) and other knit knacks. It is also a practice to eat the pomelo fruits during this festival.

Accompanying the festivities would be many organised events, for example lanterns making competition, and of course the 'karaoke' type of singing competitions. The entire Chinatown area will be vibrant for this period of time. I have more photos of the lanterns and lights, to be shown in the next post.

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