Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Iron Man Movie - stay after the credits!

Watched the Iron Man over the long weekend at FilmGarde (Kallang). Interestingly the cinema is not bad. We were a bit skeptical when we realised that the cinema is not GV, Eng Wah...etc (the usual cinemas), but turn out that the movie theatres are quite alright.

The movie Iron Man is good! Worth watching, even for those folks who don't follow the original comics series. The plot is richer (compared to Jumper), with Tony Stark (i.e. Iron Man) being kidnapped by the rebels in Afghanistan and made his first Iron Man suit in captivity. He escaped (with the help of a doctor Yinsen) and subsequently enhanced his suit as a weapon to destroy the other weapons (e.g. Jericho) made by his company.

What he didn't know is that his long time friend (and friend of his father), Stane, is actually the guy who ordered his kidnap and execution. Stane obtained the original prototype Iron Man suit, enhanced it, and stole Stark's power generator (i.e. his 'heart') to power the new version. Stark has an old generator, which he used to power his suit, and battle Stane.

The good guy wins of course (well, this is a Marvel comic adaptation, quite unlike Batman series which is darker). What is interesting is that viewers should stay after the credits, cos Nick Fury made a guest appearance at the end and invite Iron Man to join the Avengers. :) Oh, and the artist Stan Lee also made a guest appearance in the movie (the gala with 2-3 girls)! Another interesting point is that many of the technologies displayed in the movie are already in prototype modes. :p

For those who didn't stay, you could search for the ending clips online. Here's one (hopefully it didn't get remove). During the movie, we saw the preview for Hulk, seems quite alright. I think the Iron Man has a part 2, and I will be quite interested to watch it.

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