Thursday, July 26, 2007


Was having a reflective mood recently for past 1-2 months, which is why my colleagues were saying I looked a bit dazed.

hmm hasn't been thinking a it's not the thinking type of reflection... more of a blank blank type of reflection.... hmm guess there isn't any term to describe it.

Blank...or are things so obvious which is why no need to think? Which means... it is not a thinking issue... blank ... ahem... now I got confused... lolz. Thinking is not good sometimes...but don' think I wld still be confused... blank... lolz... such a confusing world... blank... such confusing dilema... blank... luckily got alcohol. o.k... nitez. blank.... out.

1 comment:

sunglow said...

hmm.. how do u reflect w/o thinking?? jus walking thru memories? or is that an alcohol effect? lol..

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