Friday, January 02, 2009

Geocaching - fun way of treasure hunt

Happy New Year to everyone!

During December a group of us participated in a fun treasure hunt in Singapore! We were thinking of what to do for an outdoor activity that is fun and yet not too taxing physically. Someone found out about geocaching and we decided to give it a try. Apparently this is a worldwide activities where many people have hidden 'cache' and gave a clue to where the cache could be found. Those with iPhone or GPS device could have an easier time since the GPS co-ordinates could be given.

In our case, our treasure hunt lead us to somewhere near the Singapore Flyer, and it took us a good 20plus minutes before we found the cache, in part thanks to the various hints given in the cache logbook. Seems like various tourists have also found that cache, and left messages for future 'cache hunt' groups.

If you want some outdoor activity that is light, give it a try. Hmm I know there are harder to find caches that required trekking through forests...etc etc, but choose one with difficulty 'easy' and it should be fine.

:) Have fun!

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